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Wales National Workforce Reporting System (ver 4.0)

Terms and Conditions of Use

These Terms and Conditions of Use apply to new and existing users of the Wales National Workforce reporting System (WNWRS) web interface. By accepting, and continuing to utilise the web interface, users agree to abide these terms and conditions of use in relation to data, information and intelligence obtained from use of the web interface.

Small Numbers
The data presented on the website breakdowns at small levels. This information is usually supressed when presented in the public domain. You are being granted access to these small numbers but on an understanding it is provided for NHS management purposes only. Release into the public domain or any public comment on these statistics is against the terms and conditions of access to the NWRS web interface.

Please prevent inappropriate use of the data within Primary Care Web Interface by treating this information as restricted, refrain from passing information on to others who have not been given prior access and use it only for the purposes for which it has been provided.

Onward Use and License
Individual articles and other items published within the web interface are protected by copyright. You are granted a license to access and use the NWRS interface for NHS information needs. The rights granted under this agreement cannot be transferred, sold, or rented to anyone else. We ask that you do not remove any copyright notices or other notices contained in materials retrieved from the NWRS web interface.

You may download, or print individual documents, reports or other items from the materials in the WNWRS reporting module. Multiple downloading of the same documents and/or archiving of materials from the primary care web interface, and the creation of multiple copies of individual documents for research and/or instructional use are prohibited. For permissions to copy beyond that permitted please contact NWSSP (email:

Re-use of information from the NWRS web interface, beyond that permitted, is subject to the Re-use of Public Sector Information Regulations 2005. For permission to re-use information from the NWRS please contact NWSSP (email:

Any use of the WNWRS web interface materials in whole or in part should include customary bibliographic citation, including author attribution, date, publication/document title, Wales National Workforce Reporting System unless otherwise stated.

We will make electronic access to the NWRS web interface available via our server to you, without charge by us. You are responsible for all charges associated with accessing the WNWRS, including any computer equipment, telephone or internet connections, and access software. The hours of availability will be determined by us and may be changed without notice. We reserve the right to refuse access to any individual and network.

NWSSP are to ensure that the information on this site is correct, but do not give any express or implied warranty as to the accuracy of the information.

The WNWRS web interface, and the materials included therein, are provided on an "as is”, "as available" basis and NWSSP disclaim all warranties, including those expressed or implied. Use of the WNWRS web interface is at your own risk, and access may be interrupted and may not be error-free.

NWSSP will not be liable for direct, indirect, incidental, special or consequential damages or punitive damages arising out of:

  • Your use or inability to use the NWRS web interface
  • Any errors or omissions in the materials included in the NWRS web interface
  • The contents of the WNWRS web interface
  • The contents of any other sites on the Internet which may be linked to the NWRS web interface, or any material of third parties that may be accessed through the WNWRS web interface

By providing us with your details, you are giving your consent that your personal information may be processed for the purposes necessary to conduct and improve our services.

We reserve the right to modify the terms of this agreement at any time.

In accessing the WNWRS web interface ( users consent to being contacted by NWSSP for purposes of notifying users of data extractions.

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